07 January 2010

So it's been a few days...

And not a whole lot has changed.

The baby is doing good - I'm able to visually see him kicking the hell outta his mother... it's like an alien trying to get out.  I hope I'm a good dad like my dad.  Baby Mom is feeling how evil our little one is going to be.. he gives her 'hell' all the time and talks about how Sadie wasn't anything like this.  I like to think he's getting it out of his system now so he's the perfect child later on.  He should be a ninja by age 10 :)

As far as me, I'm holding up, barely.  Headaches are worse than ever, but I may have a solution finally after all these years - if it's a circulatory problem.  Thought came to me as I was in the ER yesterday, noticing my oxygen levels plummeting and the effect it had on my headache.  They put me on oxygen and what a difference!  It was like a rush of fresh air literally.  Head didn't feel nearly as bad as it had and I was doing great for awhile... they pulled me off for the MRI and I started hurting again.. they put me back on in the ER and all was good.  I'm relaying the information to my doctor to see if it will help with a diagnosis.

This is all for now - off to get my eyes checked.

10 December 2009

So it's been a few days...

And, we made it through the holidays fine :)

The $$ is gone, typical of the holidays as well - at least the Waltons are doing well.

TSA personnel lost their manual to do their job, how slick was that of them?

I got nothing otherwise at the moment... I have a black eye from martial arts class today, and will probably be bruised more within the next 2 days from the punishment I took today :(


24 November 2009

Back on the rollercoaster

So I was 'bad' last night.

A co-worker calls, looking for a ride home (I had the day off), and I didn't think it would be that bad of an issue.

I guess that's what I get for thinking.  She is still pissed off at me, and now she 'thinks' she can analyze my face too.  I don't get it; ok, so I apologized for 'ruining' the night (I was gone for 1.5 hours) but damn.  And she truly shows hate for this individual to boot, which doesn't help one bit.

I'm looking for some avenue to help her understand that I'm trying to do what I can without being 'controlled' by her - I think that's what she is expecting.  My ex tried to do the same shit and frankly - I have no tolerance for it.

In other news - the baby will be a boy.  I'm pretty excited, but my super-qualified mama analyzed me and thinks otherwise.

Off to get ready for work..

13 November 2009

What a wonderful world

In recent news:

Shrinks going berserk on our own troops.
Wall Street is on a roller coaster of what-if's.
Overconfidence collides with stress.
Health Insurance is going to cost more.  Again.
No raise in sight for me.  So much for freedom of speech.

I would add more, but frankly - I don't feel as if I should care that much.

The simple things bring joy right now... the baby is moving a LOT, my sunflower seeds are tasty, and the fizz of Dr. Pepper brings a smile to my face.

I also saw an old face on the internet - it looks as if this person hasn't changed in looks, but in mindset.  Divorce, children, and bad decisions can indeed change a person - it seems in this case it was for the better.  My memory of this person is positive, and I hope it remains this way.

Anyways, take care.

05 November 2009

The joys of hormones

There aren't any I can find.

I feel like I am in a downward spiral that will never end.  How do you prove yourself to a person?  What will it take to get the understanding across?

On the other hand, am I the one with the issues?  Does my approach cause the issues I face?

I'm at a loss, with no one to share my concerns with.

26 October 2009

A bit of a scare

Back so soon I am... but I am finding if I write about it - I don't forget what's going on and it helps relieve some of the tension.

First of all - wtf UFC 104 -- I was so excited to watch Machida put a whoopin to Shogun... I'm with the crowd on this one - BOOOOOOO :(

Alright, the meat and taters. She has placenta previa according to the doctors. Basically, the placenta grows in over the cervix instead of on the upper uterine walls like it should.

With that intro, now I can explain - got home 10PM on Sunday. I was getting prepared to clean cat boxes and I hear a shriek from upstairs. Then the "OMG, we have to go to the hospital!" I went into autopilot - I couldn't have ordered out an ambulance to get to the hospital faster. She had wiped twice and large blood clots were coming from down below. So 5 minutes later we are there (two red lights and about 75mph down 30th in Heath). We get into a bed within about 20 minutes and we slowly got to calm down. Very slowly... first, a trip to labor and maternity floor, where the hospital states they made a mistake regarding the due date -- we had told them twice the complication in the dates... when will they get it? Anyways, it was finally midnight 'ish when a nurse came in with a Doppler machine to get a heart rate for the baby. Baby was fine - what a sigh of relief for us. An hour later, we were sent to Ultrasound for some pictures to find out what was going on. This was the big relief - the baby waved at us, letting us know he was O.K. My heart felt like a load was lifted from it and at the same time, I felt a bit attached to my little guy. We believe about 50% of the 90% probability of this one being a boy (the rad. tech said it was about 90%), but I explained to Erin that stuff I've read states that 'tail' is still going away at 15 weeks and that we should wait to be sure at the 20 week mark. This marks the first 'real' images of a baby for us -- I should not have been experiencing this at 1:07am on a Monday morning. So 'Peanut' is fine, as we have come to call the child, and the hospital finally releases us just before 5am. We had an hour roughly before getting Sadie up for school, as her grandmother had taken her for the night for us.

We took today off and rested - this experience is one of the top 5 most stressful I've been in ever. We are fine and have talked about being 'easygoing' for the remainder of the term. When we had picked up Sadie from the sitter, Erin had 'ran' up the stairs, and I'm 99% sure that triggered this episode of events. This was a good experience that she should listen to me more and be careful -- a year ago she was quite the rebel and everyone would say she's improved a lot from then.

Morale of the story: That which does not kill us will only make us stronger.


24 October 2009

A day in the life of an airport worker

Went a little something like this:

1. Yesterday's work wasn't done. I look at the positive, as I was able to push more of my 'taking over the world' propaganda onto another helpless victim. In other words... why put off the inevitable - I'm sure the guilty party won't care... he's like that. As a result - a situation that could have been scrutinized more closely slipped through the cracks, and we will never know what really was going on.

2. It seems that lots of people are having bad luck as of late. I get a phone call from a workstation speaking of a female in front of an airline ticket counter who is crying hysterically. My job involves engaging people to determine what is causing them to do different from the norm. It turns out this lady had received news earlier this afternoon that her husband was in a car wreck in another state and she was trying to get to him. While standing at the counter, she receives the dreadful call that he had passed. I can only begin to understand the grief in a tragedy such as this, and she is in my prayers this evening. It is unfortunate the world lost this guy, as it seems he was in the military from what I got from intel work.

3. To top off the evening, a 'disgruntled' worker was processing through a checkpoint, and because of the way she presented herself, she was selected for a pat down. This lady threw a fit, refused to be screened, and was demanding names of anyone she encountered. It took a bit of biting my lip not to go off on this lady, as I had just walked into the situation and she was offended my hands were in my pockets. At least she complained to people with guns, and 'threatened' to sue us for choosing her for the pat down. Morale of the story - it doesn't matter who you are, you're going to get whatever is necessary to clear you. I find out later that this person had concealed a knife on herself a few weeks prior... why can't we have people such as this on a list of 'real threats' to the world?

So, my thoughts for today - Expect the unexpected on your Monday. Prepare for the worse. Know that the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
